When Governor Perry announced this summer, I believe Sarah sighed with relief because the void in the immediate future would be filled. Please recall that at the time Perry announced…Mr. Cain had not gained traction yet. So now…..choose your flavor.
Both men are fine representatives of our essential principles and beliefs.
As most of you know, I lean to Perry.
A prediction can be based on current events, but when its published months prior....
I have had the opportunity to watch him govern my beloved Texas for TEN YEARS. He knows how to govern ….from the perspective of we the people!
Mr. Perry has gotten some heat for “in-state tuition” for illegals. Ladies and gentlemen, our Texas Legislature voted virtually unanimously to extend that tuition plan. Those Legislators reflected the will of We The People of Texas!
Personally, I believe Sarah’s destiny is to be President of the United States. In the mean time, President Perry will do a splendid job.