Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Old Texican On Obama and Palin!

Obama Impeached, Sarah Palin as President
Call me “Paul Revere” today.  I’m riding my “internet horse” shouting the warning:  The Islamists are coming, the Islamists are coming!
Here is a short except from one of President Sarah Palin’s speeches in my novel.
“…..I want to share with you a quote by Winston Churchill…”…and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science which Islam has vainly struggledthe civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.
“Men and women of America, we are indeed sheltered in the strong arms of our science, and I hope you will look up Mr. Churchill’s entire quote on the internet.

“Your search terms are “Churchill… Islam”. And when you read it, please note that it was written over a hundred years ago. Once again, that man was able to define the battle, before anyone else even imagined these days would come.

“Well, the Islamists have now pilfered enough of our science over the years that the “strong arms of our science” are no longer adequate to shelter us by themselves. So tonight, I’m going to speak to you about the additional “arms that shelter us”. I’m speaking of course of the arms of eternal truth and justice.
“In the words of Abraham Lincoln, “We must have firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right.”
“The best I can understand the “right‟, is to do justly, love mercy and kindness, and walk humbly with God. Conversely, It is not justice to enslave peoples’ souls. The prophet Mohamed did not preach justice and mercy and loving kindness. How can he be of God? Mohamed would indeed cast the first stone, at any accused woman!
“There has been a lot of talk and sermonizing lately about the United States of America stumbling blindly into the Battle of Armageddon. That is all silliness!
“Yes, there is going to be a final battle. Yes it will take place in the Jezreeal valley. The Bible is very clear on that. What has been carefully not been made clear is the whole sequence of events…leading up to that battle……””
I will take Sarah at her word.  I personally believe the Presidency is her destiny…one way or another…in 2012….if not sooner.
I even get an absolute giggle at the way she is pulling off her non-campaign with her Sarahpac backers.  One fascinating thing to me is that no one has commented upon the fact that she can be in full “campaign mode” without breaking any rules or laws…or getting into contractual conflicts with FOX.  Heh, she is still earning a salary from FOX, meeting a LOT of people in blue States, and proving that the “lame-stream media” is nothing more than communist PRAVDA.

Top Of Conservative's

11Fox News200+7
22WSJ Opinion Journal286
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